Events for October 10, 2024

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9:30 am
Open Play Gym
Come and play with our toys, get a change of scenery, make new friends, or meet up with old ones as you burn off some energy in the play gym. Registration is not required. Appropriate for children aged 0-5 years.
Find out more »10:00 am
Parent and Tot – St. Andrews United Church
Socialize with other parents while your children play in a cheerful, relaxed environment. Plan to meet up with old friends or come and meet new friends for you and your children. Registration is NOT required. Please note that there is no group on Nov. 14 and Dec. 12.
Find out more »Baby Parent and Tot (0 – 24 Months)
Socialize with other parents while your children play in a cheerful, relaxed environment. Plan to meet up with old friends or come and meet new friends for you and your children. Registration is NOT required.
Find out more »Postpartum Mood Disorders Support Group
A group for moms and those supporting moms who are experiencing postpartum depression or other mood disorders. Childcare is available for children ages 0 - 5 years old. Pre-registration is required.
Find out more »10:30 am
Tick Tock Time – Around the World
Through interactive rhyme, parents/caregivers and children can learn songs, fingerplays, simple movement games and stories to build important pathways in the brain. This program will include French, German, Cree, Spanish, Ukrainian and English. It is for parents /caregivers and children aged 0-5 years. Pre-registration is required.
Find out more »1:15 pm
Outdoor Adventures
Let's explore outdoors! Come and join us outside for some unstructured fun! We love to explore green spaces and parks within the Tri Region. For parents/caregivers and their children aged 0-5. We announce the location day before. Registration is required.
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