To have the best possible start in school, children need a strong foundation of early literacy skills. These are the skills that prepare children to read, write, and use the kind of language they’ll be expected to use in school. Come and learn how to grow amazing readers! We will discuss five simple research based ways to build your child’s early literacy skills.
This session is for parents and caregivers of children ages 2 – 8 years old.
In partnership with Parkland School Division.
Join Joel Pukalo as he shares strategies to support self-regulation from personal and professional experiences as an educator and a parent. This session will offer practical strategies to build emotional awareness and understand co-regulation and self-regulation. Parents are encouraged to bring questions or specific areas of challenges their children may be experiencing at this time
This session is for parents/caregivers of children ages 2 – 8 years old.
In partnership with Parkland School Division.