Past Events

January 2018
Parent Tot Drop In
This a great place to meet other parents in your community with children of a similar age. It provides an excellent opportunity for your child to socialize with other children while you enjoy some adult time and a free coffee.0 Wednesdays, Jan 10 - Jun 27 10:00 - 11:30 - Spruce Grove Parent Link Centre
Find out more »Story Surprise
Join us for a special visit from the Spruce Grove Public Library for children and their grown-ups to listen and interact with stories.
Find out more »Crafternoons
A chance for children to explore, experiment, exercise imagination and experience creativity. In these sessions, everyone is an artist. Parents are required to attend. Pre-registration required. Program is available for 3 - 5 year olds. Wednesdays, Jan 17 , Feb 21, Mar 21 1:00 - 2:00 - Spruce Grove Parent Link Centre
Find out more »Triple P Seminar: The Power of Positive Parenting
Learn how to help your child develop the skills they need to do their best at school, make friends, feel good about themselves and handle problems. Registration required, Supper provided. No Childcare.
Find out more »Parenting – A Balancing Act
New program! Learn to return to a position of authority in the family while teaching the importance of maintaining healthy relationships. Anger management is examined using a simple and effective technique that will benefit both parents and children. Childcare is available.
Find out more »Triple P Discussion Group – Managing Fighting and Aggression
This group will focus on Managing Fighting and Aggression. Triple P Discussion Groups offer tips and suggestions for dealing with a child's specific problem behaviour. Parents view short video clips showing other parents dealing with the same issue and are encouraged to share their thoughts with other parents in the group. Parents will be given a take-home workbook with simple exercises and information to help try new strategies at home. Four topics are available for discussion Dealing with disobedience, Managing fighting…
Find out more »Bringing Baby Home
A four-week program for couples experiencing the transition to parenthood. Parents will learn to strengthen their relationship and foster baby’s development during this challenging time.
Find out more »Triple P Primary Group
The Positive Parenting Program promotes a strong parent-child relationship by empowering parents with tips, tools and strategies that encourage age appropriate behaviour in their children. A strong emphasis is placed on helping children learn, develop and grow. Pre-registration required. Tuesdays, Jan 30 - Mar 6 6:00 - 8:00 Spruce Grove Parent Link Centre - (no childcare) Saturdays, Feb 24 - Apr 7 9:30 - 11:30 Family Connection Centre - (limited childcare)
Find out more »Triple P Primary Group
The Positive Parenting Program promotes a strong parent-child relationship by empowering parents with tips, tools and strategies that encourage age appropriate behaviour in their children. A strong emphasis is placed on helping children learn, develop and grow. Pre-registration required. Tuesdays, Jan 30 - Mar 6 6:00 - 8:00 Spruce Grove Parent Link Centre - (no childcare)
Find out more »February 2018
Triple P Discussion Group – Hassle Free Shopping
This group will focus on Hassle Free Shopping. Triple P Discussion Groups offer tips and suggestions for dealing with a child's specific problem behaviour. Parents view short video clips showing other parents dealing with the same issue and are encouraged to share their thoughts with other parents in the group. Parents will be given a take-home workbook with simple exercises and information to help try new strategies at home. Four topics are available for discussion Dealing with disobedience, Managing fighting and…
Find out more »September 2018
Story Surprise
Join us for a special visit from the Spruce Grove Public Library. Children and their special grown ups will enjoy listening to the stories and interacting with the storyteller. For children 0 - 6 and their parent/caregiver.
Find out more »Cooking with Friends
Parents are encouraged to include their children 4-5 years old in mealtime preparation, follow simple recipes, experiment with different flavours and play around with food. Parents are required to attend. Pre-registration required.
Find out more »